Hello Everyone,
I was so excited to see everyone at the MOTC Suffolk convention in April. So many new turtles. Loved to go back to the hospitality room at night and sit, talk, laugh and yes my all-time favorite eat. Hope there was enough food and drink for all of you.
I want to remind everyone to please fill out the google form about a position you may be interested in for the upcoming 2024-2025 year. All positions are open except for the nominating chairperson.
Mother's day is May 12th. I know for many it will the first time and for others it will be years without their mom. A mom's love is like no other. I want you to know how special you are as moms. I know we struggle daily if we are being the best we can be. But never second guess yourself. There is not a book out there that will tell you how much you can love a little human. And when they cry, scrape their knee your heart breaks. And many of you will see as your children get older being there for the first break -up with a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend they still need us. It is a feeling like no other. 
 "A Mother"
 A mother wraps her love around the heart of her
 child. Keeping each beat steady through the
 rhythm of life until wings take shape and its time
 for the soul to take flight
 -Christine Ann Martine
Happy Mother's day to a special group of women. I know that I can always reach out to any of you when needed.  
See you at the general meeting May 14th
Love you all,


Happy May & Happy Mother’s Day to my Beautiful Moms!!
April is over and it was a big month for me personally! Our convention was a big success and all of the participants seemed to have a lovely time. We had a mini earthquake and a solar eclipse!! April is also my amazing Buns Noah & Colette’s 8th Birthday and mine too  [☺️] .  In the first week of May my children will have their 1st Holy Communion!! I’m so excited and proud for and of them. I’ve been hard at work planning their celebration and I can’t wait to take a break lol but, so far every weekend in May is booked!  
This month the club will vote for our new executive board. Serving this club is a work of the heart and I appreciate anyone who dedicates their precious free time to volunteer. 
After our May general meeting on the 14th we will have a wonderful guest speaker who will share tips on pool safety just in time for the summer. I love you all and will see you soon!
Stephanie your V.P.

Letter from our Vice President

 Letter from our President

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mothers of Twins Club of Suffolk Coun​ty

a support group for parents of twins and higher order multiples